Safer Supervision Act

The number of adults on federal supervised release has tripled in the last three decades, costing American taxpayers a whopping $500 million each year, and failing to make our communities any more safe or stable.

We have an incredible opportunity to change that by endorsing the Safer Supervision Act.

The federal supervised release system was originally designed to deter future crime in our communities and aid individuals in reentry post-incarceration. 

However, the system has veered far from its original intent and instead has become an obstacle to long-term success, leading to strained resources, overburdened law enforcement, and instability and vulnerability in our communities.  

But it no longer has to be this way. 

We can restore the system to its original purpose to deter future crime and support successful reentry, while reducing wasteful spending and cutting needless bureaucracy so that we all win. 

The Safer Supervision Act is supported across the aisle and by unlikely allies because it makes the system work better for everyone – it ensures our federal supervision system holds people accountable and makes communities safer through policies that work equally well for people on supervision, law enforcement, supervision officers, crime survivors, and the entire nation.

Reduce Unnecessary Orders and Conditions of Supervised Release​


Americans for Prosperity
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
Prison Fellowship
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA)
National District Attorneys Association (NDAA)
Right on Crime
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Major City Chiefs Association
U.S. Conference of Mayors
Futures Without Violence
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
The Sentencing Project
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Drug Policy Alliance
Tzedek Association
Vera Institute for Justice
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Prison Ministry Coalition
National Hispanic Christian Leadership Coalition
National Latino Evangelical Coalition
National Association for Public Defense
REFORM Alliance
Due Process Institute
R Street

Improve The Federal Supervision System!

We can restore the system to its original purpose to ✅ deter future crime, ✅ support successful reentry, ✅ reduce wasteful spending, and ✅ cut needless bureaucracy!